Monday 14 May 2012

Carol Ralefeta interview


The Multi talented Carol is a Metro FM presenter,Soul mag writer,MC,Voice Over artist, makeup artist and freelance writer. I think anyone who's everyone would be interested to know her party preferences!!

1. My name is: Carol Ralefeta

2. Age is: Do I have to....

3. Growing up i wanted to be: A game ranger and police woman

4. My big break in entertainment was: When I got to be part of the Metro Fm line up

5. I discovered my passion for radio when: I was at varisty - I was a DJ on Rau Radio, now known as UJ FM

6. My celebrity crush is: 50 CENT, although my man is hotter and smarter *blush*

7. The sickest nightclub in Jozi is: I get down at HUSH, TABOO and COCOON baby!

8. My poison of choice is: I'm simple Hunters Dry or red or white wine and when I go hard I do Grey Goose or Moet Rose *pimping*

9. My favourite club anthem is: Birthday Cake "rihanna"

10. The 5 items I always carry in my bag on a night out are: Lipgloss and powder... and my Blackberry to tweet all the funny things I see

11. The craziest thing I've ever heard/seen in a nightclub was: I saw a chick pull her pants down and pee on the dance floor at the then VOGUE that was out in Rivonia. She was carried out so quick out of the club... what a loser chick!

12. The last thing that made me laugh hysterically was: The movie "Think Like a man " classic movie.... loved it to bits

13. Three things my fans don't know about me are: I'm a good cook, I dance best in heels even though I hardly wear them, I have a weakness for puppies and puppy breathe. However if you are a human and have puppy breathe you are down right disgusting!!!!


  1. Beautiful& talented lady. Seems like a party animal too... I mean u have to be if u dance with heels!

  2. love her show on metro!

  3. looking fabulous girl
